Briggs Assignment #6

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Picture 1: Model-my cat, Rue! I used sunlight as the fill light. I really like this picture because it really highlights the cat’s body and it even shows the eyes clearly. Even her fur has a lot of texture and the darker orange stripes are visible in this photo. I shot it with my camera phone at my apartment.

Picture 2: Model-my coworker, Cody Patrick. I attempted to use the flash on my camera phone as the main source of light. While he’s a great model, the dim lighting in the corridor and the flash don’t make for great fill lighting. You can’t see his fabulous maroon pants.

Picture 3: Model-my other coworker, Katrina Chaney. This was taken while she was going about her business in the KLTV studio and didn’t mind a photo. The natural fill light of the studio of course works very well for photography. I did use the flash, but it isn’t visible at all and isn’t necessary either.

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